- The “Immortal” Matt Brown has demonstrated the effectiveness of his clinch game over and over again in his storied MMA career that includes 15 victories in the UFC
- Inflict serious damage as you learn to use the clinch as a key positional homebase rather than a transitional spot between striking and grappling
- Discover the secrets of Brown’s unique and dangerous clinch game that he originally developed through his relationship with Dorian Price In his earliest days of training
- Understand the key differences when using the clinch for striking as opposed to grappling so you can take the right approach every time you enter
- Learn to effectively enter the clinch, break your opponent's posture, master multiple trips and turns, land devastating blows from inside the position, and much more, all with expert guidance from one of elite level combat’s most revered competitors
- Develop superior, oppressive controls that will help you dominate the tie up and impose your will on even the most aggressive opponents
- Utilize and entire section of MMA addons to supercharge your clinch game for the cage